Hooked On Driving | 9.29.24 Utah Motorsports Campus Event
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Utah Motorsports Campus

9.29.24 Utah Motorsports Campus Event

Sunday - September 29, 2024



Please email Teri Barrett for general inquiries about the event. 

Utah Motorsports Campus West Track is a 2.2 mile circuit including 9 challenging corners to test both your and your cars capabilities. LapMeta has a good track map and information about the circuit.
Lunch, drinks and snacks throughout the day will be included in your track registration fee.

In addition to Sunday's track time, we are hosting a Saturday drive with the owners of Hooked on Driving, and hosts of Everyday Driver Todd and Paul. If you're interested in joining for some fantastic driving roads, meals, and comraderie with those you'll share the track with the following day, please add the Saturday option to your cart.  This fee will include lunch and dinner on the drive, so all you have to worry about is showing up with a full tank of gas and getting some excellent driving around Utah in! 

Explanation of Hooked on Driving's track run groups: 

Group A Novice (includes 1 on 1 Coach):

This group is for novice drivers with little or no experience. It will include a dedicated coach for at least one session, multiple classroom sessions and about two hours on-track in their car with a coach. Passing in this group is limited to designated passing zones with a mandatory point-by/indicator per car. We observe that drivers advance to A-Solo at different rates.  Anyone with minimal or no track experience and has not been signed off to run in a solo run group should register for A Novice.

Group A Solo:

If you have either completed the HOD A Novice program and been approved to run in A Solo or has been signed off for solo elsewhere (Please Email Tupper Hull prior if you are registering based on another groups solo sign off). In this group drivers work may work with a coach for one on-track session. Classroom attendance is highly recommended, but not required. Passing in this group is limited to designated passing zones with a mandatory point-by/indicator per car. Check-ride is required to move to Group B.

Group B Intermediate:

Drivers in this group are at the intermediate level. We provide group coaching by our Group Leader. Passing in this group is limited to straights with a mandatory point-by/indicator per car. A check-ride is required to move to Group C.

Group C - Advanced: 

This is the advanced group with passing indication required. Passing in this group can occur anywhere, in straights and in corners, where it can be completed safely. A point-by/ indicator is required per pass and per car.

Group D - Advanced Unrestricted Passing:

This is an invitation only, open passing group. Passing in this group can occur anywhere it makes sense, no contesting corners, and point-bys/indactors are not required (although many drivers still use point-bys/indicators). Please register for group C and email Tupper Hull with your experience and driving resume for approval.  Upon approval you will be moved into Group D. IF there is not enough interest for a full group D run group, all group D registrations will run in Group C under Group C rules.


9.29.24 Utah Motorsports Campus Driving Event - 09-29-2024
Group A Novice (Includes Coaching) - $449.00 - AVAILABLE
Group A Solo (Requires sign-off) - $399.00 - AVAILABLE
Group B Intermediate (Limited Passing Zones) - $399.00 - AVAILABLE
Group C Advanced (Pass Indication Required) - $399.00 - AVAILABLE
Group D Advanced (Unrestricted Pass) - $399.00 - AVAILABLE


9.29.24 Utah Motorsports Campus Guest Lunch - 09-29-2024
1 Guest Lunch - $25.00 - AVAILABLE
2 Guest Lunches - $50.00 - AVAILABLE
3 Guest Lunches - $75.00 - AVAILABLE
4 Guest Lunches - $100.00 - AVAILABLE
5 Guest Lunches - $125.00 - AVAILABLE

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